A Perspective by Vipon Kumar The global population demands acceptable quality food at an affordable cost. As such, the size, scale and scope of
Building a Better Sourcing Ecosystem: NextGen Sourcing
A Perspective by Vipon Kumar While we must compliment the achievements of Sourcing Managers of the bygone era for giving the world some of the most
Preparing for the Next Generation of Sourcing
A Perspective by Vipon Kumar It has long been a human endeavor to discover new materials and bring them to discerning users. As such, sourcing is
Smart Sourcing Moves Front-and-Center In Retail’s Fight to Stay Competitive
As retailers compete for shoppers’ increasingly fickle attention and dollars, sourcing is beginning to emerge from the shadows to take the spotlight
Sourcing in the 21st Century – Part 2: The Rise of Responsible Co-Sourcing
As Daymon’s Chief Sourcing Officer Vipon Kumar shared last month in the first installment of this two-part series, the adversarial sourcing models
Sourcing in the 21st Century – Part 1: The Evolution of Global Sourcing and New Frontiers
Like many aspects of retail, the world of sourcing has changed dramatically in recent years and continues to evolve. Understanding these changes is
Managing Risk in Global Sourcing
The life blood of global commerce is the smooth functioning of supply chain. In the last three decades, the growth of global sourcing has delivered
Cracking the Code of Strategic Sourcing from White Paper to Reality
At Daymon, the Strategic Sourcing team literally takes the global sourcing process into their own hands. Understanding the growing importance of
Global Strategic Sourcing: Spotlight on South America
Ever wonder how the latest new “superfruit” or spice makes it from a little-known foreign country to your local supermarket? You have strategic